I'm not sure I will ever buy a Halloween costume. I mean, is there any other day of the year where you can just go nuts with creative sewing? I think not. Here's the lineup from this year.
Violet was a chicken. My inspiration for her costume was her yellow, feathery hair. I just sewed some felt feathers to a yellow onesie and stitched a feather boa around the neck. The shiny pants were actually made by her dad. He did a great job.
And I was a cow. I felt that it was an appropriate getup for a pregnant woman, and it went well with the chicken. Plus, it was super easy. I made an udder out of some pink fleece and sewed it onto a white shirt. My husband made me a cute little ribbon that buttons in the back to hold my cow bell. I also wore some devil horns that were spray-painted to make them look more like cow horns, even though they're not in this picture.I suppose I could have painted black spots on my clothes, but I didn't want to ruin the shirt. I would have done it if I had a cheaper shirt to do it on.
Oh well.

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